- LPG (composition: propane & butane) and natural gas (composition: methane) have different chemical formulas: Methane is (CH4). Propane is (C3H8) & Butane (C4H10).
- LPG at room temperature and pressure slightly above atmospheric pressure is in liquid phase while NG at room temperature and atmospheric pressure is in gas phase.
- Liquefaction of LPG is through compression and refrigeration while liquefaction of NG is through refrigeration process (LNG)
- LPG has a higher calorific value compare to NG which is 117.854MJ/m3 vs 39.902MJ/m3.
- For proper combustion, the air to gas ratio for volume LPG is approximately 25:1 whilst the air to gas ratio for NG is at 10:1 ratio.
- LPG is heavier than air, with specific gravity of 1.65 vs NG at 0.66, NG is lighter than air.
- NG is delivered through pipeline from gas processing plant transmitted to the city gate / odouriser / area station / service station before distributed to customer whilst LPG is compressed into a liquid and stored or transported in a cylinder or bulk tank.
- Carbon dioxide generated during combustion of LPG is approximately 12% of product while carbon dioxide generated during combustion of NG is approximately 9.7% of product